Monday- Wake up 4:30am, workout 5:30-6:30am, come home, shower, make breakfast, get food together for the day, get dressed, gather things for school, go to school 11-3pm, drive home, eat something, lay down for an hour, get up and go to work 6-close, come home and crash in my bed
Tuesday- Wake at 7:30am, get ready, go to school, at school till 3pm, get home to quickly grab all my stuff for work, work 4:30-8:30pm but they usually have me stay later, come home, get some reading in, check email, get food, crash in my bed.
Wednesday is similar to Monday's schedule but I actually have the day off in order to rest up and get homework done. I would have done homework last night but it was Jessica's last night in the United States cuz she leaves today to go back to Sweden. I had to visit with her!
Today is like Tuesday but I don't have to go straight to work. I don't have to work till 6:15 but I still close.
Friday is like Monday except this Friday I am leaving super early in the morning with my dad to go fishing in Monterey! I am super excited! I haven't gotten to spend time with just dad since October of last year! It's going to be a nice Daddy/Daughter Day! Yay!
Then Saturday the whole family is coming over for a BBQ and swimming. My Oakdale friends are coming over to visit, grub and jump in! I can't wait. This is going to be the first time we have all REALLY gotten to hang out in almost 2 years!! I can't wait.
I have church on Sunday and I close. Closing is going to suck SO bad on Sunday because EVERYONE is off on Monday. Luckily I get to sleep in on Monday so it won't feel as bad but I will still have to work that evening. UGH!
I wanted to write about everything going on with my workout but I never have the time. I can say that I am officially fitting in my size 24 pants! YAY! People keep saying that my face looks slimmer and I look like i have lost weight. I am going to post some pictures!!
This is me and Mom on Friday July 29th. Look at my face.
This is me after 3 weeks of Crossfit! I took this Tuesday August 23!
I just love this picture. My face looks like it is slimming down!!
I know i haven't typed about my workouts but I would say these pictures are evidence that something is working :-)
Until i have a brief moment to type again
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