Stars are my passion

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25 year old, fun loving, talkative girl who enjoys writing down her opinions and thoughts.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Family is

I love my family members, but sometimes, they need to grow up and stop letting drama get in the way of loving each other.

I get to our little family reunion to find out that one of my aunts and one of my cousins are no longer speaking to each other. Honestly, the whole silent treatment is a little elementary in my opinion. I mean, yes, we all have tempers and we are all extremely stubborn but should we really let this get in the way of us loving each other and enjoying each others' presence? Apparently to that one cousin and that one aunt, it is something to let get in the way. I thought family is there for each other to love and accept, not slander one for looking too skinny and sick or to bash one another and then to delete and block each other on facebook. I seriously feel like all of this is blow WAY out of proportion and they all need to GROW UP and take responsibility for their actions and ther words and learn to say SORRY!

I haven't seen my family members since Thanksgiving because I was in Louisiana for Christmas when everyone was over. I was really looking forward to seeing my family, all my cousins and all, and getting time to visit with them and see how things are going. However, I find myself in the same situation as always, feeling like I don't belong. My cousin Elizabeth and I haven't ever really been close, she is 6 years older than me, so I completely understand why I'm not included in her conversations, but she has a one year old beauty named Brooklyn. Brooklyn is my cousin but I have only seen her in person twice since she was born. How can I call this little child a part of my family when I feel like she isn't? When I talk about her all I say is "My cousin's baby" I never say "my cousin". I feel as though this is because I don't really associate her in the same category as my cousin Elizabeth, her mother. Then there is Stefanie. She is a year older than me. We were really close when we were younger but as soon as she started middle school, she was more about the boys than spending time with me. She hangs a lot with her fiance and her sister and her brother in law as well as my cousin Leonard and his new girlfriend Jessica. They are such a tight knit group, i feel as though not only would I be imposing if I were to sit at their table with them, but I also would just be an awkward fit. My cousin Rebecca has her boyfriend Devin, who is beginning to grow on me though there is still just something about him that I'm not crazy for. Lina brought 2 of her friends, I don't think I really had the change to say much to her. Then there is Tatiana and Vienna, the babies of the first cousins. I got a chance to talk to them but I mean, they are 12 and 8. I need someone to spend time with in my family who is closer to my age. Around the time we ate, I felt a little better, but still outside the loop.

Even after my busy and tiring day along with the feel of isolation, it was a good day. Was nice to see my family and have some wonderful Romanian food and celebrate the fact that my family has been in the United States for 30 years now. God is amazing. If He didn't lead my Tatia (grandpa in Romanian) to move to the States, I would never have been born.

Thank you Lord for a strong, growing family.

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