Stars are my passion

Stars are my passion


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25 year old, fun loving, talkative girl who enjoys writing down her opinions and thoughts.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Being Lazy

So tomorrow is my Calculus Final. Because I worked from 12:30-8 today, i really feel like just being lazy. I should be studying and i have my final at 8:30 in the morning but still...ugh....i don't feel like studying! I need to and I need to get to bed! Well i'm going to do this thing i stole from Jessica....i donno where she gets them but thanks.

1. What do you add to your coffee?  Lots of Creamer and sugar....i just like a LITTLE of the coffee starbucks

2. What are you reading now? The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot

3. Do you own a gun? Not personally but my family has one....a few actually

4. Are you registered to vote? was an accident....but i guess i can let my opinion and voice be heard....whether or not my votes matter

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Not usually...i used to

6. What do you think of hot dogs?  i like them with ketchup and a little mustard and caramelized onions!!

7. Favorite Christmas Song?  All I Want For Christmas Is You!! and one by Paul McCartney that i can't remember

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water

9. Can you do push ups? Yes....

10. What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Matt Ziehm

11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelery? My silver heart necklace my boyfriend got me on Valentines after we had been together for a year

12. Favorite hobby?  Reading...i love to read!!

13. Do you work with people who idolize you?  no

14. Do you have ADD? No.

15. What’s one trait that you hate about yourself? When i get cranky, EVERYONE knows

16. What’s your middle name? Renee

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.  I can pass my Calc Final, I don't want to study for my Calc final, I must study in order to pass!

18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday.  McDonalds and paper cut outs for work

19. Name 3 beverages you regularly drink. Water, Diet Pepsi....that's it

20. Current worry right now? Passing my Calc Final and getting a 60% or higher on my Computer Programming class! FREAK OUT! *breathe* I can do this! The counselor said I can pass! I can!

21. What side do you dress to?  i don't get it

22. Favorite place to be?  Right now I would have to say, in the arms of my boyfriend

23. How did you bring in the New Year? Last year.....kissing Bryan and being surrounded by family and church friends

24. Where would you like to go? Move? Missouri or Washington....most likely the latter

25. Name three people who will see today.  Melissa, Matt, Cristina

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