Stars are my passion

Stars are my passion


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25 year old, fun loving, talkative girl who enjoys writing down her opinions and thoughts.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

"I can be so negative sometimes..."

Today was a low point.

I recently got hired at the new In N Out that will be opening in August. I have been super thankful and appreciative of the kindness of my new manager.

My biggest concern is the uniforms. I fear that I might be too big for the uniforms that they provide. My manager said that we would figure it out. I went to the existing store to check out the sizes of their things. The biggest pant size they have is a 40 for males. Yeah, I have been losing weight but I am NO WHERE near that size. So they let me take home a pair with me so that I can go to other stores and see if I can find some in my size. Mom and I went to this store called Work World and the only white pants they had were Dickies and the biggest size they carried was a 46 waist.

We got into the car and I was already in tears. As soon as we got home, I ran upstairs to the computer and was trying to find white work pants that will fit me. The more I looked, the more I got discouraged. As I was googling white work pants, I sat here with tears dripping down my face. I had posted on facebook my concern about trying to find white pants. I had multiple people helping me to look. When i finally gave up and went to go eat, Crysta texted me to go look at the Dickies website again. So after dinner I got back on the computer and went straight to the Dickies webpage. I clicked on mens and they had a big and tall section. In there I found white pants that should fit me!!! I will have to hem them but they should work.

Mom said to wait till tomorrow to try a couple uniform places around here and then get a hold of my manager and ask if I should get them, or if I should have the company buy them, or if I should get them and get reimbursed.

I am just thankful I found something that will fit. Now All i have to worry about is the shirt! Things will work out. God has been helping me this far.

I just have to make sure that I keep losing so that I can change pant sizes :-)

Song that I dedicated to those who have helped me today:

"I can be so negative sometimes
My own worst enemy sometimes
Even at my lowest low, you still had hope,
When I wanna quit, you won't let me
When I'm falling down, you gon'catch me,
You pick me up, yeah, you fix me up
Now I'm on my way and I'm strong enough to say
You gave me wings, and thaught me to fly
When I was out there on my own,
You gave me wings and brought me to life" 
(Wings by Cimorelli)

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