So tomorrow is my Calculus Final. Because I worked from 12:30-8 today, i really feel like just being lazy. I should be studying and i have my final at 8:30 in the morning but still...ugh....i don't feel like studying! I need to and I need to get to bed! Well i'm going to do this thing i stole from Jessica....i donno where she gets them but thanks.
1. What do you add to your coffee? Lots of Creamer and sugar....i just like a LITTLE of the coffee starbucks
2. What are you reading now? The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot
3. Do you own a gun? Not personally but my family has one....a few actually
4. Are you registered to vote? was an accident....but i guess i can let my opinion and voice be heard....whether or not my votes matter
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Not usually...i used to
6. What do you think of hot dogs? i like them with ketchup and a little mustard and caramelized onions!!
7. Favorite Christmas Song? All I Want For Christmas Is You!! and one by Paul McCartney that i can't remember
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
9. Can you do push ups? Yes....
10. What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Matt Ziehm
11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelery? My silver heart necklace my boyfriend got me on Valentines after we had been together for a year
12. Favorite hobby? Reading...i love to read!!
13. Do you work with people who idolize you? no
14. Do you have ADD? No.
15. What’s one trait that you hate about yourself? When i get cranky, EVERYONE knows
16. What’s your middle name? Renee
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. I can pass my Calc Final, I don't want to study for my Calc final, I must study in order to pass!
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday. McDonalds and paper cut outs for work
19. Name 3 beverages you regularly drink. Water, Diet Pepsi....that's it
20. Current worry right now? Passing my Calc Final and getting a 60% or higher on my Computer Programming class! FREAK OUT! *breathe* I can do this! The counselor said I can pass! I can!
21. What side do you dress to? i don't get it
22. Favorite place to be? Right now I would have to say, in the arms of my boyfriend
23. How did you bring in the New Year? Last year.....kissing Bryan and being surrounded by family and church friends
24. Where would you like to go? Move? Missouri or Washington....most likely the latter
25. Name three people who will see today. Melissa, Matt, Cristina
Stars are my passion


- CrazyFluteLoop
- 25 year old, fun loving, talkative girl who enjoys writing down her opinions and thoughts.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday Stealing Jessica :-)
So I found this on my friend's Jessica's blog and I decided to steal it. I haven't written on here in a bit and with things that happened this week...I would like to just do something fun....then MAYBE get into some deeper stuff later.
1. The latest book or movie that made you cry? Hmm....Well I have been such a sap lately....I can't exactly remember the LAST movie that made me cry. Um....hmm...this is hard...yea i donno.
2. The fictional character most like you? There is this character written by Meg Cabot in this book called Queen of Babble LOL Lizzie Nichols.....she is known for talking and sometimes it just gets her into trouble.
3. The greatest album, ever? Feels Like Today by Rascal Flatts
4. Star Trek or Star Wars? Why? Star Wars ... because I've only seen 1, 2, 3, and 4.....I need to watch 5 and 6....but i don't really know enough about Star Trek to like it...the movie was good tho
5. Your ideal brain food? the worst possibly stuff for me, pizza, chips, cookies,'s terrible!
6. Everyone is proud of a certain accomplishment, which one for you? Hmm, finally being able to stand up for myself and tell those people who have been hurting me how I feel and finally being able to let go...
7. You want to be remembered for ...? my goofiness, my compassion, my love for everyone, my loud outgoing and friendly personality.
8. Let's talk about recording artists. Who do you find the most inspirational? I just have a huge respect for Rascal Flatts, not only are they one of my favorite bands, but they aren't afraid to reach out and touch people. They sing about God, hardships both in cancer and deaths of loved ones. They have a way of saying what we, who are hurting, cannot.
9. The creative masterpiece you wish bore your signature? The Venetian in Las Vegas, it's beautiful and makes a TON of money daily
10. Your hidden talents . . .? hmm, i am a very outgoing and loud person...i'm sure that any talents i possess, my friend's already know about them
11. The best piece of advice you actually followed? My freshman year of Marching Band was the WORST!! My dad pulled me aside at one of the practices where I was in tear and told me to stick with it because I'll regret it if I quit and this is something that I will enjoy and cherish in the future. He was right and because I did marching band all 4 years, I truly knew what hard work was and that when u work hard enough for something, you will be rewarded. I also have learned commitment to what I am doing. I just wish other people had been in Marching Band in order to learn that lesson too.
12. The best thing you ever bought, stole, or borrowed? Oh man....i have NO idea. So far I am thinking that this awesome desk that I searched all over Craigs List for is the best thing so far. It holds everything I need it to and more.
13. What are the most comfortable clothes that you wear? I really like being in my pajamas. A big t-shirt and pajama pants, I feel the most comfortable and at ease when wearing them
14. Your dinner guest at the Ritz would be? Ritz?
15. Time travel: where, when and why? Hmm, during the time of Anastacia Romanov.....or since I have been obsessed with the Renaissance stuff, during the time of Kind Henry Tudor :-P
16. Stress management: hit man, spa vacation or Prozac? I deal with stress by completely ignoring whatever it is that is bothering me.
17. Essential to life: coffee, vodka, cigarettes, chocolate, or . . .? chocolate and water
18. Environment of choice: city or country, and where on the map? I would like a smaller town, a lot like Oakdale where the whole town comes out to see the football games and almost everyone knows everyone, but i don't want to be in California. Maybe in Missouri or Texas, or Washington
19. What do you want to say to the leader of your country? Encourage California to stop taking money away from schools! Or do something on the national level so that California can't continue what it's doing to education! (took this from jessica, I want to add to it) You want us to have an education but you aren't giving us the chance to be able to pay it without being in debt our whole lives. By letting California continue with what it's doing, you are allowing California to become a dumb, broke state rather than the thriving economic boom that it has the potential of being.
20. Last but certainly not least, what are you working on, now?Well I have 3 finals this week and a full week of work. not much more I'm working on.
1. The latest book or movie that made you cry? Hmm....Well I have been such a sap lately....I can't exactly remember the LAST movie that made me cry. Um....hmm...this is hard...yea i donno.
2. The fictional character most like you? There is this character written by Meg Cabot in this book called Queen of Babble LOL Lizzie Nichols.....she is known for talking and sometimes it just gets her into trouble.
3. The greatest album, ever? Feels Like Today by Rascal Flatts
4. Star Trek or Star Wars? Why? Star Wars ... because I've only seen 1, 2, 3, and 4.....I need to watch 5 and 6....but i don't really know enough about Star Trek to like it...the movie was good tho
5. Your ideal brain food? the worst possibly stuff for me, pizza, chips, cookies,'s terrible!
6. Everyone is proud of a certain accomplishment, which one for you? Hmm, finally being able to stand up for myself and tell those people who have been hurting me how I feel and finally being able to let go...
7. You want to be remembered for ...? my goofiness, my compassion, my love for everyone, my loud outgoing and friendly personality.
8. Let's talk about recording artists. Who do you find the most inspirational? I just have a huge respect for Rascal Flatts, not only are they one of my favorite bands, but they aren't afraid to reach out and touch people. They sing about God, hardships both in cancer and deaths of loved ones. They have a way of saying what we, who are hurting, cannot.
9. The creative masterpiece you wish bore your signature? The Venetian in Las Vegas, it's beautiful and makes a TON of money daily
10. Your hidden talents . . .? hmm, i am a very outgoing and loud person...i'm sure that any talents i possess, my friend's already know about them
11. The best piece of advice you actually followed? My freshman year of Marching Band was the WORST!! My dad pulled me aside at one of the practices where I was in tear and told me to stick with it because I'll regret it if I quit and this is something that I will enjoy and cherish in the future. He was right and because I did marching band all 4 years, I truly knew what hard work was and that when u work hard enough for something, you will be rewarded. I also have learned commitment to what I am doing. I just wish other people had been in Marching Band in order to learn that lesson too.
12. The best thing you ever bought, stole, or borrowed? Oh man....i have NO idea. So far I am thinking that this awesome desk that I searched all over Craigs List for is the best thing so far. It holds everything I need it to and more.
13. What are the most comfortable clothes that you wear? I really like being in my pajamas. A big t-shirt and pajama pants, I feel the most comfortable and at ease when wearing them
14. Your dinner guest at the Ritz would be? Ritz?
15. Time travel: where, when and why? Hmm, during the time of Anastacia Romanov.....or since I have been obsessed with the Renaissance stuff, during the time of Kind Henry Tudor :-P
16. Stress management: hit man, spa vacation or Prozac? I deal with stress by completely ignoring whatever it is that is bothering me.
17. Essential to life: coffee, vodka, cigarettes, chocolate, or . . .? chocolate and water
18. Environment of choice: city or country, and where on the map? I would like a smaller town, a lot like Oakdale where the whole town comes out to see the football games and almost everyone knows everyone, but i don't want to be in California. Maybe in Missouri or Texas, or Washington
19. What do you want to say to the leader of your country? Encourage California to stop taking money away from schools! Or do something on the national level so that California can't continue what it's doing to education! (took this from jessica, I want to add to it) You want us to have an education but you aren't giving us the chance to be able to pay it without being in debt our whole lives. By letting California continue with what it's doing, you are allowing California to become a dumb, broke state rather than the thriving economic boom that it has the potential of being.
20. Last but certainly not least, what are you working on, now?Well I have 3 finals this week and a full week of work. not much more I'm working on.
Monday, November 8, 2010
A Day Without you is like a Day without Rain"
Way too many things have been going on for me to get the chance to get on here and blog. I wish i had a cool phone that would allow me to blog all my thoughts as they were happening. I think I should carry around a notebook or something so that as the thought is occurring I can make notes in order to remind myself what to write when I get in front of the computer.
I'm not going to follow my original format tonight. I have too many things floating around in my head that I can't contain it to that usual format. I'll have to go back to that format tomorrow. I WILL be blogging tomorrow! I'll make myself a note.
Bryan: As the time is getting closer to when I get to go see him, I find myself becoming more and more impatient. I have given myself something to do almost every week until i get to see him. Nov 14-20: Harry Potter Premiere, Nov. 21-27: House sitting/babysitting/ Thanksgiving, Nov 28-Dec 4: Amanda's Bachelorette Party, Dec 5-11 Amanda and Robert's wedding/ Last day of classes, Dec. 12-18: Finals and then I get to leave on Dec. 20!!! Hard to believe it's only like 42 more days till i get to be with him when i have SO much to do!!! I like keeping myself busy in order to not give my time to break down at how long i still have to wait.
Work: I got promoted to Crew Leader, as I said on Facebook, I never knew that being promoted would come with being yelled at and reprimanded SO MUCH!! I would have just asked to stay a Crew member. I mean, you would think that if she found me good enough she wouldn't have to yell at me so much. I don't get it. I was promoted to Crew Leader, not Assistant Manager. It is almost like she is expecting me to be able to Assistant Manager. I am sorry but I don't even want Shift Supervisor for Round Table, do you really think I would want to be ASSISTANT?! Hell no! I don't react well to being yelled at. I shut down. Not only does she yell at me but she contradicts herself SO MUCH. One minute she will tell me one thing and the next she is telling me something completely different. She will point out everything I am doing wrong and how slow I am and how during the time it took me to do one thing, it would take another person to do 5 things and how I complain about everything and how I give attitude when asked to do something, yet when the Managers from Corporate are coming in the store, she makes sure that I am scheduled and on the clock so that we can make a good impression. I donno but if putting me down in all the ways that she is is her way of giving me constructive criticism and making me a better worker, but she is SO handling me in the wrong way. You would think that after having known me since i was 18 she would realize that putting me down only makes me prone to making more mistakes when she is around rather than making me a better worker. I shut's terrible. So I have decided that the moment I get back from Louisiana, I will be looking for a job elsewhere. I can't handle her rollercoaster moods anymore. It's confusing the hell out of me and I don't know what to do anymore. When people used to ask me how i liked my work I wouldn't even hesitate to tell them how much i love it and how much I love my manager and my coworkers, but now....i can't even say that anymore. I regret going to work on days I know that my boss is in a bad mood and has been yelling at her management team. It's time to get out and go somewhere I enjoy and preferably is closer to home. I would like to not have to pay $180 or more in gas every month.
School: I am struggling in Computer Programming. None of my study tactics are working. I just want to get a freaking D in the class so I can just move forward and not look back!!! I just need to finish this semester! I Can do it!!!!
OK those are all the thoughts floating in my head for now.
Until Tomorrow,

I'm not going to follow my original format tonight. I have too many things floating around in my head that I can't contain it to that usual format. I'll have to go back to that format tomorrow. I WILL be blogging tomorrow! I'll make myself a note.
Bryan: As the time is getting closer to when I get to go see him, I find myself becoming more and more impatient. I have given myself something to do almost every week until i get to see him. Nov 14-20: Harry Potter Premiere, Nov. 21-27: House sitting/babysitting/ Thanksgiving, Nov 28-Dec 4: Amanda's Bachelorette Party, Dec 5-11 Amanda and Robert's wedding/ Last day of classes, Dec. 12-18: Finals and then I get to leave on Dec. 20!!! Hard to believe it's only like 42 more days till i get to be with him when i have SO much to do!!! I like keeping myself busy in order to not give my time to break down at how long i still have to wait.
Work: I got promoted to Crew Leader, as I said on Facebook, I never knew that being promoted would come with being yelled at and reprimanded SO MUCH!! I would have just asked to stay a Crew member. I mean, you would think that if she found me good enough she wouldn't have to yell at me so much. I don't get it. I was promoted to Crew Leader, not Assistant Manager. It is almost like she is expecting me to be able to Assistant Manager. I am sorry but I don't even want Shift Supervisor for Round Table, do you really think I would want to be ASSISTANT?! Hell no! I don't react well to being yelled at. I shut down. Not only does she yell at me but she contradicts herself SO MUCH. One minute she will tell me one thing and the next she is telling me something completely different. She will point out everything I am doing wrong and how slow I am and how during the time it took me to do one thing, it would take another person to do 5 things and how I complain about everything and how I give attitude when asked to do something, yet when the Managers from Corporate are coming in the store, she makes sure that I am scheduled and on the clock so that we can make a good impression. I donno but if putting me down in all the ways that she is is her way of giving me constructive criticism and making me a better worker, but she is SO handling me in the wrong way. You would think that after having known me since i was 18 she would realize that putting me down only makes me prone to making more mistakes when she is around rather than making me a better worker. I shut's terrible. So I have decided that the moment I get back from Louisiana, I will be looking for a job elsewhere. I can't handle her rollercoaster moods anymore. It's confusing the hell out of me and I don't know what to do anymore. When people used to ask me how i liked my work I wouldn't even hesitate to tell them how much i love it and how much I love my manager and my coworkers, but now....i can't even say that anymore. I regret going to work on days I know that my boss is in a bad mood and has been yelling at her management team. It's time to get out and go somewhere I enjoy and preferably is closer to home. I would like to not have to pay $180 or more in gas every month.
School: I am struggling in Computer Programming. None of my study tactics are working. I just want to get a freaking D in the class so I can just move forward and not look back!!! I just need to finish this semester! I Can do it!!!!
OK those are all the thoughts floating in my head for now.
Until Tomorrow,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I am such a WIMP!
Shadow of the Day: I am sitting here trying to think of anything that went wrong during the day....I really can't think of anything that was a bad part of my day.
How I overcame: Well like I said, my day wasn't bad at all so there was not reason for me to have to overcome the struggle
Highlight of the Day: I got an extra hour at work today. I got asked to come in an hour and a half earlier to work on Sunday. I sang Rascal Flatts all the way home. I watched videos online. I got to see part of Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. Best of all, Kali and I got to spend time together. Unfortunately our time together was spent while watching 28 Days Later.
For those that know me and my past nightmares, I enjoy watching scary movies as long as it is in the comfort of my own home, with my earplugs in and during the middle of the day. I enjoy watching movies about zombies but in actuality they scare me to death. While Kali and I were watching the movie, I kept pulling my blanket over my eyes saying "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" At one point I even went to the doorway of my room and jumped up and down saying "Oh my gosh" repeatedly again. No wonder Kali can't stand watching scary movies with me, I'm too jumpy and i freak out way too easily. I enjoy watching them....just after I know what is going on. The first time watching a scary movie, I'm a wreck. Kali wants me to watch Psycho with her tomorrow...I donno how I feel about that.
Crysta wants me to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show with her....actually she demands it. I have never seen it but after seeing Glee yesterday, I think I would rather enjoy it.
Refection: It was good getting to spend time with my sister. There isn't anything I would have done differently about today except for me to have fewer chores to do around the house.
Until Next Time,
How I overcame: Well like I said, my day wasn't bad at all so there was not reason for me to have to overcome the struggle
Highlight of the Day: I got an extra hour at work today. I got asked to come in an hour and a half earlier to work on Sunday. I sang Rascal Flatts all the way home. I watched videos online. I got to see part of Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. Best of all, Kali and I got to spend time together. Unfortunately our time together was spent while watching 28 Days Later.
For those that know me and my past nightmares, I enjoy watching scary movies as long as it is in the comfort of my own home, with my earplugs in and during the middle of the day. I enjoy watching movies about zombies but in actuality they scare me to death. While Kali and I were watching the movie, I kept pulling my blanket over my eyes saying "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" At one point I even went to the doorway of my room and jumped up and down saying "Oh my gosh" repeatedly again. No wonder Kali can't stand watching scary movies with me, I'm too jumpy and i freak out way too easily. I enjoy watching them....just after I know what is going on. The first time watching a scary movie, I'm a wreck. Kali wants me to watch Psycho with her tomorrow...I donno how I feel about that.
Crysta wants me to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show with her....actually she demands it. I have never seen it but after seeing Glee yesterday, I think I would rather enjoy it.
Refection: It was good getting to spend time with my sister. There isn't anything I would have done differently about today except for me to have fewer chores to do around the house.
Until Next Time,
Slipped from my Grasp!!
So I have decided I want to try to write a blog again. I followed Jessica and found this place to make a blog. Google really comes in handy!! So something I want to do is express a shadow of the day, how I over came it and a highlight of my day.
Shadow of the Day- Jason texted me at 4:10pm telling me that he had access to a free ticket to go to Nickelback's concert tonight in Fresno and for me to get there by 6:15pm. Only draw back is that I was asleep when he sent the message and I didn't get it till 5:45pm. Driving from here to Fresno would take almost 2 hours. There was no way I would have made it in time.
How I overcame my shadow: I am sure this won't be the last time that Nickelback is in California. I will be able to see them at some point. I did hear that they put on one hell of a show. I didn't have money and I never feel comfortable driving a good distance from home without having any money on me in case of an emergency. I feel now that now being able to go was a good thing and I am going to continue seeing it as such.
Highlight of the Day: I got 86% on my Calculus test. I really struggled on it but I am so pleased with my score. I am so thankful that my professor let me take it in a less stressful atmosphere and gave me the chance to show her that I really did know what I was doing.
Today: I had a pretty good day today. After school I picked up some pizzas from Little Caesars (because they have a special on Wednesdays for a large for $3.99, it's a good deal). After coming home I watched Glee that I had recorded. It was the Rocky Horror Picture Show episode. I really enjoyed it!! On the previews for next week's Glee the girls are singing "Livin' On A Prayer". I absolutely love that song!! After watching a few of my recorded Mythbusters I fell asleep. I woke up and Jessica came over to hang and watch The Tudors with me. I have really come to like that show a lot! I am very thankful that she introduced me to it. I also got Seasons 1-4 of Heroes on Netflix Instant. I am set for a while with things I can watch!
Reflection: Over all, other than my dad getting mad about my sister not brushing the pool and it starting to get a green tint to it, I had a pretty good day. I was able to take a nap and relax this evening. Over all I don't think there would be much I would have changed about today. I would have liked to be awake when I found out that I could have gone to the Nickelback concert but I am not counting it as a loss. Like I said, there will be other concerts...I will just have to wait for that opportunity. Ok well it is time to head to bed, have work in the morning.
Until Next Time,
Shadow of the Day- Jason texted me at 4:10pm telling me that he had access to a free ticket to go to Nickelback's concert tonight in Fresno and for me to get there by 6:15pm. Only draw back is that I was asleep when he sent the message and I didn't get it till 5:45pm. Driving from here to Fresno would take almost 2 hours. There was no way I would have made it in time.
How I overcame my shadow: I am sure this won't be the last time that Nickelback is in California. I will be able to see them at some point. I did hear that they put on one hell of a show. I didn't have money and I never feel comfortable driving a good distance from home without having any money on me in case of an emergency. I feel now that now being able to go was a good thing and I am going to continue seeing it as such.
Highlight of the Day: I got 86% on my Calculus test. I really struggled on it but I am so pleased with my score. I am so thankful that my professor let me take it in a less stressful atmosphere and gave me the chance to show her that I really did know what I was doing.
Today: I had a pretty good day today. After school I picked up some pizzas from Little Caesars (because they have a special on Wednesdays for a large for $3.99, it's a good deal). After coming home I watched Glee that I had recorded. It was the Rocky Horror Picture Show episode. I really enjoyed it!! On the previews for next week's Glee the girls are singing "Livin' On A Prayer". I absolutely love that song!! After watching a few of my recorded Mythbusters I fell asleep. I woke up and Jessica came over to hang and watch The Tudors with me. I have really come to like that show a lot! I am very thankful that she introduced me to it. I also got Seasons 1-4 of Heroes on Netflix Instant. I am set for a while with things I can watch!
Reflection: Over all, other than my dad getting mad about my sister not brushing the pool and it starting to get a green tint to it, I had a pretty good day. I was able to take a nap and relax this evening. Over all I don't think there would be much I would have changed about today. I would have liked to be awake when I found out that I could have gone to the Nickelback concert but I am not counting it as a loss. Like I said, there will be other concerts...I will just have to wait for that opportunity. Ok well it is time to head to bed, have work in the morning.
Until Next Time,
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