I'm not going to follow my original format tonight. I have too many things floating around in my head that I can't contain it to that usual format. I'll have to go back to that format tomorrow. I WILL be blogging tomorrow! I'll make myself a note.
Bryan: As the time is getting closer to when I get to go see him, I find myself becoming more and more impatient. I have given myself something to do almost every week until i get to see him. Nov 14-20: Harry Potter Premiere, Nov. 21-27: House sitting/babysitting/ Thanksgiving, Nov 28-Dec 4: Amanda's Bachelorette Party, Dec 5-11 Amanda and Robert's wedding/ Last day of classes, Dec. 12-18: Finals and then I get to leave on Dec. 20!!! Hard to believe it's only like 42 more days till i get to be with him when i have SO much to do!!! I like keeping myself busy in order to not give my time to break down at how long i still have to wait.
Work: I got promoted to Crew Leader, as I said on Facebook, I never knew that being promoted would come with being yelled at and reprimanded SO MUCH!! I would have just asked to stay a Crew member. I mean, you would think that if she found me good enough she wouldn't have to yell at me so much. I don't get it. I was promoted to Crew Leader, not Assistant Manager. It is almost like she is expecting me to be able to Assistant Manager. I am sorry but I don't even want Shift Supervisor for Round Table, do you really think I would want to be ASSISTANT?! Hell no! I don't react well to being yelled at. I shut down. Not only does she yell at me but she contradicts herself SO MUCH. One minute she will tell me one thing and the next she is telling me something completely different. She will point out everything I am doing wrong and how slow I am and how during the time it took me to do one thing, it would take another person to do 5 things and how I complain about everything and how I give attitude when asked to do something, yet when the Managers from Corporate are coming in the store, she makes sure that I am scheduled and on the clock so that we can make a good impression. I donno but if putting me down in all the ways that she is is her way of giving me constructive criticism and making me a better worker, but she is SO handling me in the wrong way. You would think that after having known me since i was 18 she would realize that putting me down only makes me prone to making more mistakes when she is around rather than making me a better worker. I shut down....it's terrible. So I have decided that the moment I get back from Louisiana, I will be looking for a job elsewhere. I can't handle her rollercoaster moods anymore. It's confusing the hell out of me and I don't know what to do anymore. When people used to ask me how i liked my work I wouldn't even hesitate to tell them how much i love it and how much I love my manager and my coworkers, but now....i can't even say that anymore. I regret going to work on days I know that my boss is in a bad mood and has been yelling at her management team. It's time to get out and go somewhere I enjoy and preferably is closer to home. I would like to not have to pay $180 or more in gas every month.
School: I am struggling in Computer Programming. None of my study tactics are working. I just want to get a freaking D in the class so I can just move forward and not look back!!! I just need to finish this semester! I Can do it!!!!
OK those are all the thoughts floating in my head for now.
Until Tomorrow,